Monday, January 16, 2012

Propagating Plants: Mother in Laws Tongue

Propagating your plants is an easy and economical way to create more plants in your garden without having to buy more plants. For today I will be propagating my mother in laws tongue plant (sansevieria trifasciata) which is a very durable plant. There are two different ways of propagating this particular plant 1. division of their underground stems and 2. leaf cuttings. I'm going to do the leaf cutting method.

The material that you will need for this propagation is a pot with soil
Second you will need to gather some healthy leaves from your mother in laws tongue plant, if you happen to get cuttings of variegated leaves with the yellow border in this method the outcome of the plants will not have the variegation anymore just the plain green variety.

The leaves that I collected are variegated so they will lose the yellow border
Third: if your leaves are shorter then cut them into 2 sections, if they are longer then cut them into 3 or 4 sections.

Now that you have all of your cuttings now 4. its time to plant them and to remember to plant them right side up or else the cutting will not work and take root.

Here's the finished product. The last step is to water them to keep the soil moist but not too wet or the cuttings will rot. Place in location with indirect bright light until roots form. I will post when new plants pop up. It will take a few weeks for it to take root and a few months for new plants to appear so patience is the key to this propagation and you will be rewarded with new plants!

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