Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Aloe Vera Update

Hello all, May is has been a month full of steaminess with the spring weather. It has been quite a while since I last posted on Dynamic Gardening but I am back. This month is significant since it marks two years since I bought one of my oldest plants: my aloe vera. I will be honest about this plant, it was doing great last year until the winter months when the leaves started to wilt which was very noticeable. Here's how the plant looked with its leaves drooping:
I did not like my aloe vera looking very sad like this, so I did some research online and asked a few of my followers on Instagram of some possible solutions. This led to the solution of tying up the leaves so that the new growth will not wilt like the older foliage. To do this, I did use what I found around the house which was some purple yarn:
Since I used this method to prop my Aloe's leaves up, it looks much better! The new growth in the center does appear to look healthy as well. I wanted to share this just in case if another owner of an aloe vera encounters this problem with their plant. I still keep this plant in the west facing window in my kitchen that receives indirect light in the morning hours; and direct sunlight in the afternoon hours. If you have any questions about this post, feel free to leave a comment and I will answer as soon as possible. Thank you for dropping by!